What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

31 de outubro de 2018

31 Outubro 1883- 8 Junho 1956, Paris, França
Foi pintora, desenhadora, ilustradora, decoradora e retratista.
Viveu durante a I Guerra Mundial em Espanha.
Voltou para Paris onde foi uma figura em destaque no mundo das artes e da vida mundana.
As sua obras mostram muito da influência que colheu de Picasso e Braque.
O seu estilo foi classificado de "nymphisme". Mas foi também uma das pioneiras do cubismo e do dadaísmo.
Inspirou o cantor Joe Dassin que a evocou na sua canção L'Été Indien, em 1975.
O industrial japonês Masahiro Takano comprou centenas de obras suas que hoje estão expostas no Museu Marie Laurencin em Tóquio. 

"Alice in Wonderland"

"Two spanish women"

"L'amazone et deux jeunes filles"

Capa da revista Vogue, Abril 1931

 "Memories of Bilitis", 1904

"La maison meublee", 1912

Marie Laurencin e Madeleine Pioch

"Group of artistes", 1908

Em Espanha

30 de outubro de 2018

30 October 1928, Norwich - 19 July 1995, London, UK
Studied at the Norwich School of Art and graduated at the Slade School of Fine Art.
Worked at the National Gallery in London.
During 1994-1995 he still managed to complete Thames painting: The Estuary, his last major work.
He is considered the most elusive figure in post-war British art. Also often linked to the group known as The School of London, a group wich also included the painters  Lucien Freud and Francis Bacon.

Thames painting, "The Estuary", 1994-1995

"All night long"

"Melanie and me swimming"

29 de outubro de 2018

29 Outubro 1931, Denver, Colorado, USA - 19 Maio 2006, Albuquerque, Mexico
Estudou na Universidade da California, em Los Angeles e, depois de terminado o seu curso, começou a dar aulas de desenho, design e técnicas de laboratório.
Para lá das diversas actividades lectivas em várias universidades e escolas de arte trabalhou como fotógrafo independente.
A sua fotografia foca o tema dos impulsos tais como a sexualidade, a violência ou a competitividade social.
Os críticos do seu trabalho rotularam-no satírico, chauvinista, guerrilheiro, dadaísta, surrealista e antipurista.

"Chating figures"


"3 Faces", 1987

Publicidade Estée Lauder, 1988

28 de outubro de 2018

28 October 1909, Dublin, Ireland - 28 April 1992, Madrid, Spain
Self-taught, taking to painting about 1930 and it was not till 1946 that he held his first exhibition.
He was one of the outstanding representatives of the romantic movement in England.
Turning for preference to macabre hallucinations for its subjects, his art is haunted by anxiety and the dread of destruction.

"Lying figure"

Three Studies for a Self Portrait

Triptych, 1983

"Man drinking", 1955

Study for a Portrait of Van Gogh I, 1956

Study for the portrait of Pope Innocent X

27 de outubro de 2018

27 October 1885, Sundsval - 24 March 1948, Stockholm, Sweden
She was a modernist painter and one of the major figures in Swedish modernism.
Studied at the University College of Arts, Crafts and Design in Stockholm and graduated as a drawing teacher.
Later,  went to Paris where she learned with Henri Matisse how to deal with colour.
Neverthless, her work is more related to the German expressionists than to French painters.


"Isaac with a pipe", 1911

Isaac Grunwald, 1916

"Homework", 1923

"Conversation", 1914

26 de outubro de 2018

1976, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Came from Indian and African American family.
Studied at Hampshire College in Anherst, Massachusetts and MFA at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
She describes her works as a "combination of personal narrative with cultural and personal mythology".

"Stick Stack"

25 de outubro de 2018

1947, Kedah, Malaysia
At age 21 he moved to New York  where he still lives.
There he studied at Art Students League and, later, he got his graduation from the School of Visual Arts.
Eng Tay became painter and sculptor but in the 70's he also worked as a graphic designer for Red Book Magazine.
He is an artist well known for his limited edition etchings and oils.


"Mother's love"

"A fine Sunday morning"


"First light"

"Summer day"

"End of the day"

The artist working