What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

30 de junho de 2017

This australian artist was born 1933 in Shangai, China.
She arrived in Australia in 1948 to live in Sydney where she studied at East Sydney Technical College.
Then moved to New York to study at the Franklin School of Art.
She was a freelance writer and illustrator for books and the magazine Vogue until 1985 when she decided to be a full-time painter.
During her artistic life she continues wining several prizes and awards. And has been a finalist for the Archibald Prize twenty times between 1990 and 2012.

"study of male ballet dancers standing in a line"


"study of female ballet dancers", 2007

charcoal on paper, 1995

ink and gouache

"red shoes from vinnies", 2002

"kedumba" drawing

paths to portraiture

"out of Alice" Postcard

auto portrait

29 de junho de 2017

Born in Krefeld, Westphalia in Germany.
This expressionist artist received influence from Franz Marc. As a  painter, he produced oil paintings, watercolors and gouache.  Worked in stained glass receiving numerous orders for glass windows in Germany and Amsterdam. And was also a graphic designer.
In 1911 he became a member of the Der Blaue Reiter. When the Nazi regime came, in 1933, he was considered a degenerate artist and could not exhibit his works.
Because of that, he decided to move to The Netherlands working at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam as teacher in Decorative Art, Printmaking and Stained Glass.
Later he took the decision to naturalize Dutch citizen.

"Auferstehung Christi"

"man with red top hat"

"bucolic landscape", 1913

"village street"

"Pierrot with serpent", 1923

28 de junho de 2017

Nasceu em 1961 no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Pintora figurativa quase abstracta que iniciou a sua vida artistica trabalhando em desenho e pintura na década de 80.
Contemporânea de Beatriz Milhazes e Adriana Varejão parte para a Alemanha, como bolseira, para estudar  na Academia de Belas Artes de Dusseldorf.
Hoje vive e trabalha em Berlim.
Nos seus últimos trabalhos, ainda que continue a explorar os seus temas preferidos, vemos a aplicação duma técnica mais suave, mostra-nos uma tendência de fauvismo e pós impressionismo. 
Mas continua a pintar sem desenho prévio e a oferecer-nos a sua arte quase lírica.



"mãe e filha"




"Mãe e dois filhos", 2003

27 de junho de 2017

Born 1981 in Great Falls, Montana, USA.
She has started painting as a self-taught artist.Then studied art at the New Hampshire Institute of Art.
She classifies her work as "outsider art", or paintings of strange suburbia.
Andrea Heimer fills her scenes with personal symbolysm, heavily influenced by mythology.
She lives and works in Seattle in the State of Washington.

"boys catching falling fruit in the orchard", 2015

"the only creatureon gods green earth who truly understands a woman is a good horse", 2016


"I have an ex lover whose funeral I imagine in exhaustive", 2016

"I have not been comfortable in my skin perhapas ever, not now and certainly not back then"

"in adulthood the adopted child feels far away. even in the most tender of moments"

"our group of girls"

26 de junho de 2017

Nasceu em Lisboa.
Frequentou a Escola António Arroio, depois a Escola Superior de Belas Artes e Pedagogia na Faculdade de Letras em Lisboa.
Foi uma artista muito completa não só como pintora. Dedicou-se também a gravura, desenho, ceramica, azulejo, tapeçaria e ilustrou livros de Aquilino Ribeiro, David Mourão Ferreira e as edições Portuguesas da Divina Comédia e As mil e uma noites.
Começou numa expressão artística perto do figurativo neorrealista e foi depois evoluindo até à abstração.
Alice Jorge foi uma das fundadoras da Gravura - Sociedade Cooperativa de Gravadores Portugueses e dirigiu cursos de gravura nos anos 80.
Foi casada com o artista Julio Pomar.


 painel da Avenida Infante Santo, Lisboa

"rapariga no cais", 1957

"hera por modo de ser"

"vendedoras de lisboa"

"nu", 1987

"mulher a estender roupa"

gravura, 1958