What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

20 de abril de 2020

20 Abril 1893, Barcelona - 25 Dezembro 1983, Palma de Maiorca
Foi escultor, pintor e ceramista.
Deixou de frequentar a Escola de Belas Artes por não concordar com o currículo demasiado académico.
Aos 25 anos vai para Paris e aí começa a verdadeira vida artística do mais surrealista de todos os artistas, como dizia André de Breton.

"The tilled field", 1923-1924

"Constellation, Awakening at Dawn", 1941

"Hirondelle amour"

"Números e constelações em amor com uma mulher"

"The skiing lesson", 1966

"Passaro lunar", 1946-1949

"Le chien aboyant à la Lune", 1952

"Mulher", 1967

2 de abril de 2020

Born 2 April 1891, Bruhl, Germany - 1 April 1976, Paris, France
Naturalised American in 1948 and French ten years later.
Artist (painter, sculptor and poet) Dada and Surrealist.
Max Ernst appeared in the film L'âge d'Or, directed by Luis Buñuel.

"Castor and pollution", 1923

"Aquas submersus", 1919

"Le triomphe du surrealism", 1937

"Human form", 1931

"The couple in lace", 1925

"Fruit of a long experience", 1919