What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

31 de maio de 2018

31 May 1915, Havana, Cuba
This Cuban-American artist, abstract and minimalist painter is today 103 years old!
Carmen studied architecture for a short time and, when she moved to NY, at the Arts Students League.
Lived a few years in Paris and there she had the chance to meet the masters.
She lives in New York since 1956.

"Zoom in"

"Green Garden", 1950


Working in her studio

30 de maio de 2018

30 May 1879 - 7 April 1961, London, United Kingdom
Peintre et designer d'intérieur qui a étudié à l'École Supérieure d'Art de la Royal Academy.
Appartenait au Blomms Buru Group.
Commence pour aborder la peinture abstraite mais finit pour appliquer un style plus figuratif.
Vanessa était la soeur ainée de l'écrivain Virginia Woolf.

"The bathers", Strudland beach, 1911

"Street Corner Conversation"

"Adam and Eve"

"Conversation", 1961

"The bather"

"Summer camp", 1913

Lady Robert Cecil, 1905

Self-portrait, 1915

29 de maio de 2018

29 May 1921, Sydney - 6 December 2010, Greenwich, Australia
Studied art at the East Sydney Technical College.
After the war service he joined The Bulletin during more than 20 years until he began to pursue his puppetry shows for children.
In 1957 began working in televison creating several programs.
His famous creation is Mr Squiggle.

Portrait signed by Kate Rae

The artist and Mr Squiggle

The artist and Mr Squiggle

"Christmas card"

28 de maio de 2018

26 Janvier 1877, Voorhaven, Rotterdam, Holland 
28 Mai 1968, Monaco
50 ans passés de sa mort il me faut une petite hommage à cette peintre néerlandais naturalisé français et connu par ses portraits mondains, provocateurs et scandaleux.
Il a étudié à l'Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Rotterdam et, déjà artiste, il part à Paris pour participer à une exposition.
Il s'y établit à partir de 1900 subsistant grâce aux dessins vendus à plusieurs journaux comme l'Assiette au Beurre, Le rire, Frou-Frou et Revue Blanche.
Van Dongen se fit rémarquer en 1904 par ses envois aux Salons Indépendants et Automne, et aussi grâce à sa grande exposition individuelle chez Vollard. 
En habitant dans le quartier des artistes il en profite d'une relation amicale avec Picasso et Max Jacob.
En 1910 il fit plusieurs voyages aux Pays Bas, Espagne, Italy décide passer l'hiver à Maroc et expose les oeuvres qu'il executa durant ces voyages à la Galerie Bernheim et, deux années après il revouvela cette experience avec des visites en Egypt et Russie.

"Woman in green tights"

"Dimanche a la Plage"

"The quai", Venice

"The great cat"

"La Princesse de Babylone"

"Woman and orange seller"

"La danse de Carpeaux"

"The balcony", 1910

"La buveuse d'Absinthe"

"Friends", 1922

"Femme aux bas noirs"

"La comparaison"

"In the plaza or women at the Balustrade"

"Chinagrani", dancer

"A fauve in the city"

"Actress in the role of Hamlet"

"Café Florian", Venice, 1921

27 de maio de 2018

25 May 1871 - 13 February 1958, Paris, France
Very young boy he began working in stained-glass and during that period he attended evening classes at the School of Fine Arts.
In 1891 studied at the École des Beaux-Arts where he had his great chance to learn and meet great  Fauve artists.
In 1929 he designed some scenery for Diaghilev's ballet company. 
But he returned to painting and, during a certain time, he used religious themes almost exclusively.
In 1948 he visited Italy. At that time he designed some windows for the church at Assy.
I prefer his series of clowns, pierrots and prostitutes painted with vigourous lines and powerfull colours.
The last years of his life were clouded by a long illness.

"Odalisque",  1906

"In front of the mirror"

"Circus trio"

"Pierrot aristocrate"

"The three clowns", 1928

"The Clown", 1907

26 de maio de 2018

26 Maio 1895, Hoboken, Nova Jérsia-11 Outubro 1965, São Francisco, EUA
A seguir aos seus estudos na Columbia University de Nova Iorque iniciou-se como fotógrafa independente de retratos em São Francisco.
Chocada com o grande número de desalojados à procura de trabalho durante a Grande Depressão  decidiu alertar a situação pelas fotografias que foi fazendo dessa gente com quem se cruzava pelas ruas.
Em 1935 uniu-se à Farm Security Administration e denunciou as condições de vida nas zonas rurais.
Manteve-se inflexível nessa causa e continuou a documentar a realidade amarga dos trabalhadores migrantes e das suas famílias.
Uma das fotografias mais famosas e mais fortes é Mãe migrante, tirada em 1936, e que fez de Dorothea Lange um ícone da fotografia socialmente comprometida.

American River Camp, Sacramento, California

"Mãe migrante"

"A chat at the O'Halloran Farm"

Elm Grove, Okla, 1938

"Great Depression", 1929

"Crianças do Delta Negro", Mississipi, 1936

"Cotton picker", 1937

Sharecropper and his children