What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

31 de março de 2017

Born 1982 in Santiago, Chile.
In Santiago he got the BFA at the Finis Terrae University in 2002. And later, in 2013, was graduated MFA in illustration at the School of Visual Arts in New York.
His paintings and drawings have been featured in exhibitions in Santiago, New York and  a few european countries.
Currently lives and works in New York.

30 de março de 2017

Nasceu em Utrecht, Holanda.
Foi a actriz holandesa que fez mais de 50 filmes mas que marcou o mundo com Emmanuelle, filme que a tornou um sex symbol.
Esse filme erótico transfomou-se num blockbuster global. Os números assim o confimam. Mais de 400 milhões o viram nas salas de cinema, manteve-se 13 anos na sala dos Champs-Elysées em Paris e em Portugal (só visto em 1975)  as pessoas faziam filas para comprar bilhete!
Aos 20 anos era modelo fotográfico, quando casou com um artista belga 27 anos mais velho com quem teve o seu único filho, Artur.
Casou mais tarde com um empresário americano numa relação que durou apenas 5 meses.
Quando no final dos anos 80 regressou à Europa dedicava-se à pintura. Altura em que voltou a casar, desta vez com Philippe Blot cujos filmes foram um desastre e a deixou endividada.
Só foi feliz, finalmente,  nos 12 anos em que viveu com um produtor de rádio belga até ele morrer em 2004. 
Precisamente no ano em que ganhou um prémio com o seu documentário de animação, Topor et Moi.
A partir daí,  iniciou uma vida solitária  e numa luta contra o cancro que a venceu em 2012. Morreu tranquila durante o sono.
A sua pintura não marcou no mundo artistico, mas foi para ela aquilo que só a arte pode ser para qualquer artista.

in Emmanuelle,  by Giuseppe Cristiano


29 de março de 2017

Born 1981 in São Paulo, Brazil.
Studied at the National Academy of Design.
He was drawn by the romantic appeal of the Indian culture of the South West, subject translated into geometric drawings and paintings.
He paints a haunting world with enigmatic figures using a mythology and cryptic symbolism. Creates cloaked moments and phantastic histories with his figures, ghostes and monsters.
Until now, participated in several solo and group exhibitions and published 2 books.

"playboy russian picnic"

"cannae 2"



study,  2015

"wounded",  2016


28 de março de 2017

Born 1960 in Durban, South Afrika, based in New York where he lives and works.
He is a senior staff photographer for Reportage by Getty Images but also known for his humanitarian efforts around the world. Worked for WWF.
He earned several awards and was named, by American Photo magazine, as one of the ten heroes of photojournalism in 2007.
We can see his works in several magazines, National Geographic, New York Times, London Sunday Times, the Discovery Channel, Newsweek, L'Express, Le Monde, Figaro, Paris Match among  many others.

in Kono, Serra Leoa

27 de março de 2017

Born 1981 in Nothern India.
He is a freelance photojournalist and also a documentary photographer.
He became interested in photography only in 2005.
Completely self-thaught  he is unique in the colors and composition of his works.
During his 12 years career he received already several awards.
The photo Burst of Red was taken at the Hindu religious festival Holi, the festival of colours.

"India Holy festival orange mist"

"burst of red"

"a Bakarwal lady"


26 de março de 2017

Born in Vlachoso Brezi, Bohemian, now Czech Republic.
Immigrated  at the age of 16, with his family, to New York where he studied at the National Academy of Design.
Max Weber helped him for is first job,  teacher at the Art Students League of New York.
As an artist he worked in different styles from Realism to Impressionism and Surrealism.

"owl and violin"

"Spanish woman playing guitar",   1924

"landscape with cows"

"three quarter view of nude bathing seated near lamp"

"Hopi snake dance"

"nude bather facing the window"