What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

15 de novembro de 2017

António Borregana, de nome artistico Kim Prisu, nasceu a 15 de Novembro de 1962 em Aldeia da Dona, Portugal. PARABÉNS!!!
É um street artist com trabalhos notáveis.
Os seus campos artísticos passam também pela pintura, desenho e performance.

"Vois y elles voyelles", Rimbaud, 2016

"La philosophie de l'absurde", (Albert Camus)

"O Povo colorido", Muro da Fábrica de Braço de Prata, 2014

"Plus on est de fous plus on rigole", 2016

"Desferrem sem pedinchar consentimentos", 2009

"L'assommoir", (Zola)

"Kiss kiss the lover", 2016

Franz Kafka

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