What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

30 de novembro de 2018

30 November 1912, Fort Scott, Kansas - 7 May 20016, New York, USA
Began as a photojornalist and continue as the pioneer among black filmakers.
But, in the first years he worked as a waiter in railroad dining car.
He made his career from documenting the social ills and injustices of the 20th century being awarded since 1941 until 2004.

At segregated drinking fountain, Alabama, 1956

"Department store", Alabama, 1956

"Father and daughter", 1950

Flavio da Silva, Rio de Janeiro, 1961

"Muslims in prayer", 1963

29 de novembro de 2018

29 November 1897, Wilda, Poland - 31 July 1985, Wetzlar, Germany
Studied photography in Munich before opening her studio in Berlin.
Very curious personality. Born in Poland but also German, French and Dutch nationality.
Lived and worked in Amsterdam, Congo, Thailand, India and Brazil.

"Hands of Martha Lydis", 1930

"Ball musette", Paris, 1928

"Dans un village Bapunu", 1943

"Les amies", 1924

28 de novembro de 2018

28 Novembro 1881 - 21 Fevereiro 1967, Lisboa, Portugal
Estudou na Academia de Belas Artes de Lisboa.
Em 1905 vai para Paris onde frequenta diversos cursos de arte e só regressa no início da I Guerra Mundial indo viver para Vila do Conde numa relação de convívio estreito com o casal de pintores Delaunay e Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso.
Em 1920, já no auge da sua maturidade, realizou as sua primeiras exposições individuais em Lisboa e no Porto.
No final dos anos 20 volta a Paris, viaja por Inglaterra, Holanda e Bélgica.
Participou, com grande sucesso, na XXV Bienal de Veneza e na III Bienal de São Paulo.

"As três abóboras"

"A revolta das bonecas", 1957

"O rapaz das louças"

"Nu", pintura para o Bristol Club

"A piteira"

"Pousada de ciganos"

"Guitarra minhota"

"Louça de  Barcelos"


27 de novembro de 2018

27 November 1853 - 17 October 1928, London, UK
Painter and illustrator, studied at  the Royal Academy in London.
He was notorious known for his portraits and dramatic/historical scenes.

Beatrice Stuart

"Vikings heading for Land"

Miranda Thomas

"La belle dame sans merci"

Portrait of Elsa

"Paolo and Francesca"

26 de novembro de 2018

26 November 1925, Bologna, Italy - 12 April 1970, Paris, France
Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and later at the Brera Academy in Milan.
In 1964 he exhibited at the Venice Biennale with a great success.

25 de novembro de 2018

25 November 1928, Los Angeles, USA
Pop artist and also called as an insurgent minimalist.
Also worked as an illustrator for Northrop Aircraft in Los Angeles.

"Lady Bird", 1965

"Captives", 1987

"Turkeys", 1965

"Police officers, Off duty", 1994

"3 Marys", 1971

"The signing of the declaration", 1976

"Caddy", 1966

24 de novembro de 2018

24 Novembro 1864, Albi - 9 Setembro 1901, Saint-André-du-Bois, France
É já a 2ª vez que me refiro a este pintor pós-impressionista e desenhista que considero genial.
Aqui ficam mais algumas obras e apenas duas referências talvez menos conhecidas. 
Chamava-se Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec Monfa, e que media 1,42m.

"Chocolate dancing", 1896

"At the nouveau cirque",  1891

"La Macarona in Riding Habit"

"Au bal", 1870

"A Elysee", Montmartre, 1888

"In the circus, horse and monkey"

"Les deux amies"


With his dog