What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

30 de junho de 2018

15 Janvier, 1861 - 30 Julliet 1938, Gand, Belgique
Mon hommage 80 années après sa mort pour cet artiste qui nous a donné tant de beauté.
Il a étudié à l'École des Beaux-Arts de sa ville natale.
En 1887, suivant l'example de quelques peintres de l'époque, il a fait un voyage vers le sud de France et Espagne pour gagner le Maroc.
Il a reçu directement une grand émotion et a séjourné deux ans à Tanger.
Appelé à la direction de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts de Termonde, en 1901, son oeuvre a reçu plusieurs distinctions.
Artiste sous l'influence impressioniste souvent est parti vers la Cascogne pour y retrouver des paysages ensoleillés que lui ont donné tant d'inspiration.

 Portrait by Valentine Willaert-Fonton

"Winter in Gent"

"The altar boy"

"Les lavandières à Chartres"

"Fruit seller in Gent"

 "Man from Tanger"

"The camel market"

"The grape thief"

"Femmes marocaines"

29 de junho de 2018

6 November 1927, New York, USA - 1 May 2018, Toronto, Canada
This photographer was called "American girl in Italy" (1951), star of one of the 20th century's most controversial images.
No more comments. See the photos, it's really enough.

"A woman walking"

28 de junho de 2018

Remonta ao terceiro milénio Antes de Cristo que os povos das ilhas Cyclades, no mar Egeu, trabalharam o barro, o metal e a pedra.
Daí aconteceu o resultado fascinante de pequenas figuras em ceramica pintada ou gravada com desenhos geométricos. E o mesmo aplicado em mármore polido.
Em 1994 tive oportunidade de ver no Musée Barbier-Muller, em Genebra, uma rara exposição com uma colecção de algumas dezenas dessa peças.
Aqui ficam alguns exemplos.

Jug bird, 1600 BC

Female figure

Aryballoid vase clay

Figura feminina da Spedos Variety

Periform vase, 2800 BC

Shard with painting

Terracotta jar

Tocador de harpa em mámore branco

27 de junho de 2018

27 June 1883, Gosport - 22 December 1970, London, UK
Sculptor and wood carver. 
Studied at Marlborough College in Switzerland and at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London.

The sculptor at work

Drawing for sculpture

"The acrobats", 1927

"Feline", 1930

"Girl binding her hair"

26 de junho de 2018

26 de Junho 1934 - 1980, Lisboa, Portugal
Foi um artista que, apesar de ter vivido pouco tempo, reuniu um grande número de admiradores e amigos.
Estabeleceu com outros artistas ligações interessantes e a sua participação no grupo KWY fizeram dele um elo importante no mundo artístico.
Viveu uma vida boémia, cheia de excessos, que até deu motivo de interesse para um filme.
No entanto, é um pintor pouco lembrado embora bem cotado a nível de preços até porque a sua obra disponível é muito escassa. Mas lá se vão encontrando uns desenhos eróticos, recortes e algumas paisagens.

Auto retrato

"Me and my dogs", 1980

O seu cão

Auto retrato

25 de junho de 2018

25 June 1877 - 23 September 1928, Budapest, Hungary
He worked at a blue-paint factory and then travelled to Paris.
There he attended evening art classes and during the day worked in at Alfonz Mucha´s.
Returned to Budapest after three years of a great experience and became a good painter, did posters, caricatures and stage sets.


"Paradise lost", 1903

Poster, 1910

"Walking by the lake in the evening"

"Reception", 1910



24 de junho de 2018

24 June 1883, Nantes - 3 November 1956, Paris, France
He was a painter, writer, poet and theorist.
As a painter he began working under the impressionism influence. Then became a fauvist until adopted the cubism.
In 1903 he sent three paintings to the Salon des Indépendants
Aged 20 he could already support himself as a professional painter with a great success.

"Woman with a fan", 1912

"Cat and butterfly", 1940

"Femme au flacon assise à la fenêtre", 1925

"La femme a la parisiene"

"Chat et poisson", 1950

"Nu", 1911

"Reclining nude"

"Café scene", 1919

"Woman with a horse"