What I hear, I hear, What I see, I remember, What I do, I understand
This philosophy guides me to begin this Art Blog to give to my visitors the chance to see, at a glance, the art culture of different artists from different countries through their art works with the purpose to entertain, educating the mind and stir the heart
Painting, illustration, photography, design, music, film, architecture etc shall be here

26 de fevereiro de 2017


Berni,  "el Carnaval de Juanit"

Brad Erickson,  watercolor

Candido Portinari

Carlos Mérida

Claude Monet,  "Carnaval  Boulevard des Capucines",  1873

Debret,  "Entrudo",  gravura

Di Cavalcanti, 1924

Erick Paul,  "bel Carnaval"

Felix Labisse, "grand Carnival Ostendais",  1934

Francis Picabia, 1927

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